What is Oral Rehydration Therapy?

Oral rehydration therapy consists of consuming fluids that contain what the body needs after it has lost an abundance of fluids. Electrolytes, mineral salts and glucose are all lost when the body loses excessive amounts of fluids. Oral rehydration therapy re-introduces those ingredients back into the body to bring the body back into a state of homeostasis. One of the keys to staying adequately hydrated is to consume the right types of beverages in relation to the activities being performed. Athletes, for example, need drinks that contain electrolytes and the minerals the body loses during periods of extreme exercise of intense activities.

Products used for to rehydrate the body normally include the things that are depleted the fastest as fluid is lost. Certain vitamins and minerals are depleted faster than others. While the body is able to retain adequate amounts of Vitamin E for example, Vitamins included in the B chain can be lost rather quickly. This is one of the reasons, a hangover can cause such a terrible headache. The brain needs adequate amounts of B vitamins to function and without them can begin to deteriorate.

Potassium and sodium are minerals that are lost easily as a person begins to lose excessive amounts of fluid. Potassium and sodium are both needed for proper cell function. Without them, cells in the body cannot take in and release adequate amounts of fuel they need to survive. If proper levels are not regained in a certain amount of time, the body begins to experience fatigue, lethargy and, in extremely severe cases, coma and death can occur.

If you know you will be consuming alcoholic beverages and want to avoid the symptoms of dehydration that lead to the unpopular hangover headache and fatigue, try Liquid IV. The natural ingredients are formulated to keep you sufficiently hydrated. Consuming one of the Liquid IV beverages can help re-establish the balance of liquids needed by the brain to function efficiently and reduce the impact of hangover symptoms.

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