The Story of Yes: Meet Our Limited Edition Yes Theory Energy Multiplier Pouch

Yes Theory Pouch

Hey LIV fam, there’s a new pouch in town! Since launching late last year, Energy Multiplier has been upgrading the vibes of LIV fans near and far. Today, in honor of Energy Week, we’re excited to announce that everyone’s favorite CTT®-powered energy drink is getting a pouch upgrade of its own. Introducing our Limited Edition Yes Theory Energy Multiplier pouch designed by YouTube revolutionaries and LIV investors, Matt, Thomas, and Ammar of Yes Theory. Keep reading for the full scoop on our relationship with Yes Theory and the story behind this Energy Week exclusive!


Life’s Adventures Start With Yes

Yes Theory was born in 2015, when then-strangers, Matt, Thomas, and Ammar met on a whim and instantly formed the bond of a lifetime. United by their shared belief in the importance of challenging themselves and expanding their horizons (all in the name of living their most authentic and fulfilling lives), they distilled their philosophy into two simple words: Seek Discomfort. The mantra has become the inspiration for their global movement and continues to drive their adventures to this day. Together, they travel the world and venture outside of their comfort zones, sharing videos with their 5.7 million YouTube followers along the way.   


Yes Theory


All Roads Lead to Yes

The Yes Theory credo, Seek Discomfort, goes perfectly with Liquid I.V.’s ability to fuel all of life’s crazy adventures. When Yes Theory signed on as investors in July of 2019, we knew they had to be a part of Energy Week. Their lust for life and commitment to seeking adventures wherever and whenever possible represents exactly what Energy Multiplier is all about. 

Finding effective and convenient wellness solutions can be a challenge, and no one understands that better than a group of adventure-seeking world travelers. Each travel-friendly stick of Energy Multiplier contains ~100mg of fast-acting natural caffeine—like drinking 1-2 cups of coffee, but so much better! We found out how much the Yes Theory crew loved our supercharged blend of Matcha, Guayusa, and Ginger (powered by CTT®), and we knew it was the start of a legendary adventure. The more they drank Energy Multiplier to fuel their Yes, the more we knew they had to put their personal stamp on our iconic green pouch. 


Energy to Fuel Your Adventures 

In a time where creating your own adventures is more important than ever, our Limited Edition Yes Theory Energy Multiplier pouch is the perfect thing to upgrade your vibe and fuel your Yes. Before you head out on your next adventure, take a page from Yes Theory’s book and replace unhealthy, artificial energy drinks with ~100mg of fast-acting natural caffeine.

Get your hands on our Limited Edition Yes Theory Energy Multiplier pouch, available exclusively on Tear, pour, sip, and start your adventure!

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