LMU Alumni Develop Breakthrough Hydration Beverage

What happens when three best friends and recent LMU graduates try to solve the all too familiar college problem of hangovers? Liquid I.V. is born along with a whole new friendship dynamic.

The three co-founders of Liquid I.V., Brandin Cohen, Hayden Fulstone and Cameron Killeen were each exposed to a children’s drink called Pedialyte as a source of rehydrating the body in addition to curing hangover symptoms. Upon further research, they realized that Pedialyte contained many artificial sweeteners and unnatural elements, and with that in mind, they got to work and spent numerous hours testing different combinations of ingredients.

According to Fulstone, Liquid I.V. utilizes Oral Rehydration Therapy, which is defined in an article titled “Cheers! LMU Alums Create Remedy for Hangovers” on LMU’s College of Business Administration website as “a specific blend of glucose and electrolytes clinically proven to rehydrate the body at a rate similar to an I.V.” – hence the company name.

According to Cohen, Liquid I.V. is “really affective, all natural and healthy,” and the rapid expansion and success of the company is the best indicator of that.

Cohen said that this semester Liquid I.V. is doing a test launch of their college ambassador program at six different campuses, including LMU, where students will be brand ambassadors. He went on to say that starting in January they want to expand to 50 schools with over 100 ambassadors.

With their product being displayed everywhere college campuses to major league baseball dugouts, it’s no wonder that Killeen refers to Liquid I.V. as something that is “bigger than us. It’s bigger than our friendship.”

While Cohen admits that there is some “fighting like brothers” among these three best friend roommates turned business partners, he says that at the end of the day, “We all want to do what’s best for the company … we’re looking out for each other as friends as well as the business.”

To find out more about the Liquid I.V. product and to receive a promo code for a free trial, read Thursday’s print edition of the Loyolan.

Have a tip? Let us know at news@theloyolan.com.

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The post LMU Alumni Develop Breakthrough Hydration Beverage appeared first on Liquid I.V..

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