Liquid I.V. Emergency and Disaster Relief
October 25, 2017
Our mission here at The LIV Group: Defeat Dehydration Globally… a task that may seem daunting from afar, but as we’ve jumped in head first over the last 3 years and broken this big goal down into tangible, specific, everyday actions, we have never been more adamant that we can put an end to global dehydration and help people around the world live better lives.
But how exactly do we intend on accomplishing such a formidable task? Is it even possible? YES! Let us tell you where we are now and what we have been up to lately.
At Liquid I.V., we have a unique, ever expanding platform to be able to help people who are faced with different forms of dehydration. Some mild (dehydration from daily activities); some acute (dehydration after an intense workout); and some potentially fatal (dehydration from cholera). Our growing customer base allows us to expand our reach and help more people each day. For every order placed on our website, we donate 1 serving of Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier to help someone suffering from dehydration around the world. These donations are divided up into two specific areas of need:
1.) People in developing countries around the world suffering from dehydration on an ongoing, everyday basis
2.) Emergency and disaster relief in the United States and abroad where people are desperately in need of hydration immediately
To date, we’ve donated over 51,000 servings of Liquid I.V. to help those
battling dehydration in Haiti.
2017 has been riddled with tragic natural disasters, mass shootings, and terror attacks. It is heartbreaking to see all of the people affected by the recent catastrophes: the Las Vegas shooting; Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria; and Central Mexico’s earthquake. There are some less talked about natural disasters that have rocked the world this year as well including flooding in Zimbabwe, China, Peru, Sri Lanka, and South Asia; avalanches in Afghanistan; landslides in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Colombia; and a massive mudslide in Sierra Leone.
In different ways, the Liquid I.V. team was very affected by these events. And it is just not in our DNA to sit back and do nothing when adversity hits… So we did what we know how to do best and got to work with the goal of getting Liquid I.V. into the hands of the many men, women, and children hit hardest by these disasters.
The Liquid I.V. Team prepares a shipment of product to be donated.
Liquid I.V. Emergency and Disaster Relief by the numbers in 2017:
21,696 Hydration Multiplier sticks donated to support Las Vegas, Houston (Hurricane Harvey), and Puerto Rico (Hurricane Maria).
Las Vegas: We sent product to volunteers in Las Vegas who have donated blood to help the victims of the horrific shooting attack on October 1, 2017.
Houston: We donated product to hydrate the many families in Houston who were devastated by the flooding of Hurricane Harvey.
Puerto Rico: We sent product on a C-130 cargo plane to hydrate the people of Puerto Rico who lost everything and continue to struggle today for daily necessities like clean water.
We sincerely thank you for your continued support of our mission to Defeat Global Dehydration! We would not be able to help the number of people we do without you. And this is only the beginning.
Together we can inspire change and make the world a better place.