5 Daily Peak Performance Tips
Ever dreamed of being a superhero? Whether you want to improve your concentration at work, kick butt at the gym, or get that invincible faster-than-a-speeding-bullet feeling, these 5 peak performance tips will have you in a cape and mask in no time.
1. Sweat for Fun
Exercise is a must, but whether you’re sweating to lose weight, to blow off steam, or to boost your health, studies indicate the key to a successful workout is ENJOYMENT! Choose an exercise that lights you up—not one you’re dreading from the moment you wake up. Love to dance? Take a ballet class at your local studio. Crave the intensity of a pounding heart and pouring sweat? Try CrossFit or cardio. Yearn for maximum heat? Start a Bikram yoga practice. Think of exercising as a way to express yourself physically, and choose a workout that suits you. We guarantee you’ll hit your fitness goals much faster when you actually like what you’re doing.
2. Maximize Hydration
There are few people who wouldn’t benefit from drinking more water. Dehydration can cause everything from chronic fatigue, to brain fog, to headaches, to anxiety—which means water is your new best friend. If you’re like 3 out of 4 Americans who consistently have trouble getting the recommended 8 glasses of water per day, try our little hydration hack. Liquid I.V.can provide 2-3x the hydration of water alone. Pour your favorite flavor into 16 ounces and watch your mood change, your focus sharpen, and your energy level rise. You may even find yourself developing night vision or superhuman strength 😉.
3. Switch from Coffee to Tea
Love your morning cup? We get it. Coffee can be a pleasant part of a morning routine, but it comes with side effects. Coffee can contribute to anxiety, irritability, and adrenal fatigue—all big no-nos when you’re aiming for peak performance.
But never fear—there are other ways to caffeinate! Switch out coffee for a tea like matcha or chai. These high-caffeine options supply you with that sought-after energy boost, but they release into your bloodstream more slowly. You get your energy gradually, and avoid that nasty afternoon crash.
To learn more about how to quit coffee if you’re hooked, check out our previous blog Wean off Coffee Like a Champ in 2019. If you’re not quite ready to throw in the towel, at least make sure you’re supplementing your daily dose of java with some H20. For every cup of coffee you drink, have two glasses of water (or one serving of Liquid I.V.).
4. Go Inward
Meditation can get dismissed as woo-woo nonsense, but our culture is slowly wising up to its extraordinary benefits. According to Healthline.com, meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, promote emotional health and self-awareness, increase concentration, and improve memory, among other benefits. In fact, meditation has been endorsed by the likes of Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Madonna, and Paul McCartney.
There are hundreds of ways to meditate, but one of the easiest is to simply pay attention to your thoughts or to your breath. Just find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and put on some calming music. Hey, if it’s good enough for a Beatle, it’s good enough for you.
5. Rest Up
Lack of sleep is our Kryptonite: instantly sapping our strength and focus. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause you to react more emotionally to negative stimuli, contribute to brain fog and imbalanced hormones, and even promote repetitive negative thinking. So not super.
Despite all this, some of us just can’t seem to wind down with enough time to get the recommended 7-9 hours per night. Setting a bedtime and sticking to it is a great way to ensure you’re at least attempting to sleep at a reasonable hour, and meditation and exercise can also help. But the most powerful sleep aid we’ve come across is our brand-new product: Sleep, available online starting in February. Pour a stick into 16 ounces of water and let the melatonin, l-theanine and Valerian root do their thing.
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start on your peak performance goals. Caring for yourself with these simple tips will maximize your body and mind so you can show up like a champ at work, at home, and at the gym. Enhancing performance takes consistent action, but we think you’ll thank us once the superpowers kick in.
Written by: Samantha Colicchio, Liquid I.V. Brand Storyteller