CBA Alum Wins Elevator Pitch Competition Ahead of Company Launch by LMU CBA

LMU entrepreneurship and marketing alum Brandin Cohen ’10 returned home February 27th from the Maverick Angels Open Evening for Entrepreneurs event with a lot more than he bargained for. That evening, Cohen (without advance notice) competed against seven other people and won the Maverick Angel Idea Pitch Competition in front of 100+ entrepreneurs, investors, attorneys and other business leaders. He not only won the $500 prize, but walked away with pockets full of business cards from people eager to learn more about his new business.

“They pulled my business card from the hat and I only had 30 seconds to pitch our product,” said Cohen. “I ended up winning by a large margin and spent the rest of the night meeting new people and spreading the word about our company.”

Cohen is co-founder and executive director at Morning Miracle LLC, a functional beverage company that has developed a specially formulated drink that cures your worst hangover. In addition to the $500 prize, Cohen won a free ticket to an upcoming “Maverick Angels Investment Accelerator.” This one-day intensive seminar includes industry experts in financing, legal services and social media as well as how to create an effective elevator pitch and build a successful investor presentation with our one-on-one coaching program.

Cohen, along with business partners Cameron Killeen and Hayden Fulstone (both LMU grads), are currently working long hours to get their company off the ground. With the help of Professor David Choi and other students and alums involved in the CBA’s new Business Incubator, Morning Miracle is now in the final stage of prototype testing. The product is expected to be bottled, labeled and launched on March 17th (a day that’s certain to produce more than its share of hangovers) alongside the initial website launch. The first round of financing is planned for June 2013.

It’s probably too soon to call Morning Miracle an overnight success, but Brandin Cohen has seen firsthand how quickly interest can be generated if given the opportunity.

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