5 COOL Adventures to Help You Stave Off the Summer Heat

Here in Southern California, I have been sweating non-stop since approximately June 2nd. Turns out global warming might be an actual thing. Who woulda thunk that 97% of scientists were actually right? With global warming comes rising sea levels; the decline of ice shelfs, glaciers, penguins, and polar bears; and hotter summer days (is this last one even a bad thing???).


Just check out this Heat Index map below of the Southwest during the month of June. Looks like everything is on fire, which basically it is. Essentially we have been living in a massive ball of burning fire the past 2 months. I started sweating again just now thinking about leaving the comfort of our air conditioned office.



I mean, look at Arizona for crying out loud. It got so hot in June that they ran out of hot colors for the map and just started showing things in black. It looks like molten lava bubbling up. Insanity!!!


Now despite global warming and the impending end of the world, there are some halfway pleasant and downright rad ways to brave the heat.

Here are 5 fun activities to keep you cool during the scorching summer months…

1.) Build an epic slip n’ slide – invite all your friends. The keys to building a good slip and slide are a large roll of thick plastic sheeting (10 x 100 feet); a gallon of environmentally friendly soap (try Dr. Bronners); and buckets of water or a hose to keep the slide wet. The location and friends are up to you…


2.) Stop by the closest raging river for some extreme white water rafting/kayaking. If you have never been river rafting, do yourself a favor and plan a trip. Class 4 and 5 rapids are quite the rush and will keep you very wet throughout the day. Or you can take the less dangerous approach and float down gentler streams in an inner tube. Unless you are an adrenaline junky, I would recommend the latter.


3.) Hit the movie theater and kick back in the glorious air conditioning. Nothing beats an ice cold slushee in a cold, dark movie theater on a hot afternoon. There are no shortage of fun blockbusters out at the moment. Do yourself a favor this summer and head to see a flick the old school way.

4.) Netflix and chill (aka eat Popsicles on the couch in front of a fan). Not much beats a nice binge session of your favorite Netflix show. Grab a deliciously chilled popsicle and plop yourself in front of the fan before turning on your show of choice. (In case you missed it, here’s our fun new recipe for LIV Coconut Açaí Pops)



5.) Road trip it to the mountains and find cooler air. Heading up to the mountains can provide a much needed breath of fresh air. It’s generally cooler at high altitudes, but be sure to pack plenty of hydration and sunscreen. The mountains offer a plethora of outdoor activity: you can hike, run, mountain bike, and even rock climb in the cooler climate.



However you choose to avoid the heat this summer, always remember to hydrate with a proper balance of water and electrolytes. When you sweat, your body loses precious salt that needs to be replaced. Click here to learn more about the science of hydration and how to prevent dehydration during the hot summer months.

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